Podcasts, videos y seminarios web acerca de los estudios en el extranjero

Inicio | Educación internacional en Ontario | Estudiar en el extranjero para estudiantes de Ontario | Podcasts, videos y seminarios web acerca de los estudios en el extranjero

TEDx Talks

Why Study Abroad
Published on Apr 20, 2015

Marina Marijer argues studying abroad is important. Marina Meijer works to encourage students to study abroad

Studying abroad and the global perspective | Emma Baumgartner | TEDxNewarkAcademy
Published on Jun 27, 2014

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Emma's story demonstrates the value of immersing oneself in a host culture and taking advantage of every opportunity, no matter how uncomfortable it initially may seem.

Learn to travel -- travel to learn: Robin Esrock at TEDxVancouver
Published on Feb 1, 2013

Robin Esrock's success as a global adventurer, travel writer, TV producer and international TV personality was no accident, although it did start with one. Struck down on his bike at a Vancouver intersection, Robin hobbled away with a broken kneecap, and one year later, a modest $20,000 insurance settlement. It was just enough for him pack up his things, quit his job, and set off on a one-year solo round-the-world.

Secondary School Student Study Abroad Experiences

Going to HIGH SCHOOL in JAPAN [Our Experiences]
Published on Mar 3, 2016

(by Sharla in Japan) All about high school exchanges in Japan! (Both short and long term) If you have any other questions please leave them below

University Student Study Abroad Experiences

Why You Should Study ABROAD
Published on Nov 18, 2015

In 2014 I studied abroad in the Netherlands for 5 months and had the opportunity to travel around Europe while I was there. My study abroad experience was amazing. If you're thinking about studying abroad just do it! Studying Abroad in University/College is the best experience ever and I highly suggest you take the leap and DO IT!

My Study Abroad EXPERIENCE + Tips/Advice on Living Abroad
Published on Apr 22, 2016

I lived in Utrecht, Netherlands as an exchange student for 5 months. Here's a bit about my experience and tips for other students thinking about studying aboard

How To: Study Abroad! | Choosing a City, Budgeting, Travel, etc.!
Published on Jun 5, 2016

(by Sophie Lewis) I am finally home from studying abroad in Prague, Czech Republic! I have been getting loads of questions about how to study abroad so I hope this answers some of them, and feel free to ask me more in the comments!

What People Don't Tell You About Studying Abroad! | Tips and Advice
Published on Jun 26, 2016

(by Sophie Lewis) Another video in my study abroad series, in which I attempt to answer all of your questions regarding my abroad experience! In this video I tried to cover some topics that I was surprised to learn about and was not warned about before I went abroad. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments! All of my links are below.

Published on Jan 14, 2016

(by Rebecca Jordan) In this advice video, Nava (http://www.youtube.com/thecoolios) and I share 8 tips for studying abroad! I am leaving to study abroad in London for 4 months in just 3 days. I am so excited yet so nervous, so if you have any additional tips let me know in the comments. I hope you all enjoy this video.