Preguntas frecuentes acerca de la vida como estudiante internacional en Ontario

Inicio | Vivir en Ontario como estudiante internacional | Preguntas frecuentes acerca de la vida como estudiante internacional en Ontario

What is the weather like in Ontario?

Learn more about Canada's four seasons here.

What are some key things an international student needs to know about Canadian culture?

Learn more about our Canadian Culture by clicking here.

What are the differences between living in a rural, suburban, or urban area?

Read more about Rural, Suburban and Urban Living

What is it like to live with a Canadian family in homestay?

Homestay Services Home Culture

What can an international student do in Ontario during school holidays?

International students may make arrangements to stay with their homestay family and several OASDI school districts offer...

Click here

What are some key things an international student needs to know about Canadian teenagers?

Learn more about Teen Culture in Canada.