Long term programs are designed for international students to attend either elementary or secondary school for one term/semester or longer, and most students study in Ontario for at least one year. Many students stay for several years during high school with an aim of pursuing a post-secondary pathway at a Canadian university or college; other students study in Ontario for a shorter time period with the goal of improving language skills and learning about a different culture.
While all Ontario school districts offer pathways to university, college and the workplace, depending upon the individual school district, some of the long term programs available to international students include the following:
Each long term student is required to have a legal custodian while studying in Ontario, and while some students live with a relative or family friend, most students live with a family in Homestay. Living with an Ontario family for an extended time period is an excellent way for international students to learn about Canadian culture in a caring and supportive environment. All Ontario school boards that accept international students either have their own Homestay program or are affiliated with an approved Homestay provider.