Ontario University Entrance Requirements and Application Processes

The admission requirements differ amongst universities; therefore, students need to consult the websites and programs at specific universities.  Note that some programs have limited enrollments and entry is very competitive. International students must refer directly to the application deadlines for each university.  Your secondary school guidance counsellor will be able to assist you with this application process.

International students will find links within the website of each Ontario university for applying:  all applications link to the Ontario Universities’’ Application Centre (OUAC).

International students WHO ARE ALREADY RESIDING IN CANADA ON A STUDY PERMIT MUST use the 105D online application to apply to an Ontario university undergraduate program: www.horizon.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=26&action_id=choose

International students WHO ARE LIVING OUTSIDE OF CANADA AND NOT ON A STUDY PERMIT MUST use the 105F online application to apply to an Ontario university undergraduate program: www.horizon.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=16230&action_id=choose

Need more information about Ontario universities?

Ontario Universities’ Application Centre, including detailed instructions and videos

Listing of Ontario universities

In general, international students who have an OSSD may apply and will need at least the following documentation:

  • Transcripts
  • Proof of language proficiency (different colleges require different English proficiency tests, such as TOEFL/IELTS/CAEL/MELAB)
  • Proof of good health
  • Study permit
  • Evaluation of credentials

International students are usually not eligible for government loans, but may be eligible for scholarships: www.scholarships-bourses.gc.ca/scholarships-bourses/index.aspx?lang=eng

All the information you need to apply for an Ontario University:  www.ontario.ca/page/study-ontario-international-students

New Study Permit Regulations

New rules that take effect on June 1, 2014, make it easier for study permit holders to work off campus. Full-time students pursuing an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution will be:

  • eligible to work off campus without a work permit
  • allowed to work off campus for up to 20 hours per week during a regular academic session and full time during regularly scheduled breaks
  • able to work off campus immediately rather than waiting six months.

For more information: www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-changes.asp